Author Testimonials

This lab manual presents the information just the way we need to in our department.

Tidewater Community College

It has taken a lot of the headaches of returns and delivery issues that surrounded my on-campus printed product right off my mind.

Tyler Junior College

I love working with Hayden-McNeil… I will – hands down – recommend [them].

Director/Assistant Professor
Southern Illinois University

Just a great group of people to work with. I really value the relationship we’ve built…

Laboratory Coordinator
Georgia Tech

Exceptional Staff. Exceptional service… Absolutely the best people in publishing anywhere…

University of Alaska Anchorage

Excellent support staff! Author centered publishing. We still own our publishing rights. Author web support is excellent and efficient. Our manuals are better than ever!

Publishing our lab manuals through Hayden-McNeil has been so much easier than printing them in house that I can't believe we didn't make the decision to switch earlier! The product is much better than before as well, and the price increase was hardly noticeable. Communication is great as well; I've never had any issues that didn't get resolved within 24 hours.

Anonymous from NPS Survey

The end result is quality product and a reasonable expense for our students.

North Carolina State University