High School | Hayden-McNeil Macmillan Learning

Your source for laboratory notebooks ®

Hayden-McNeil sets the standard in laboratory notebooks

Tired of lugging lab notebooks?

Hayden-McNeil Student Lab Notebooks are the #1 selling carbonless laboratory notebooks in the market. The benefits to using a student lab notebook are strongly aligned with a successful science curriculum.

Introduce your students to the methods of real world science. Hayden-McNeil Student Lab Notebooks are used by over 500,000 students nationwide. Find out more about how the implementation of student lab notebooks can improve your science curriculum. Free exam copies are available for your inspection. See the product section for more information.

  • Clear organization and recording of observations allows students to sharpen their inquiry abilities
  • As a formative assessment tool, lab notebooks can greatly enhance the student—instructor relationship
  • Dry labbing is eliminated; cheating is shut down
  • The detailed recording of the student’s observations tracks the evolution of student comprehension of scientific concepts

Collect the copy, not the notebook.

Our student lab notebooks are an essential element of science education.

But don't take our word for it. See what other instructors have to say!

The lab notebook was well-constructed, organized, provided excellent resource material, and arrived in a timely manner. —Kristin, Clark County School District

Best in the market hands down, with incredibly fair pricing. There is not a single thing I can think of that I believe would improve the product. —Tegan, University of Miami — Coral Gables

I really like the carbonless copy and the grid background. Copies are very easy to read and students like them. I have used these for many years and recommend them to other instructors. —Daryl, Lawton Public Schools

The notebooks are easy to use, the students like them, and they model the way that students will be recording research in college/beyond. —Marthali, Academy of the Pacific Rim

Want to see our superior product?