Author Testimonials

Your type-setting, the graphics, and the final product are all very well done and high quality. The cost to students is very reasonable. I can depend on Hayden-McNeil to get the lab manuals printed and delivered on time.

It has taken a lot of the headaches of returns and delivery issues that surrounded my on-campus printed product right off my mind.

Tyler Junior College

Never once has a student complained about the quality for the price (like they did when I used our campus publishing services a decade ago)


Custom print materials greatly reduce the cost for the students.

Indiana State University

The quality of the product is outstanding; and since I wrote it, we use it all!

Tyler Junior College

Every person that I have worked with at Hayden-McNeil has been highly professional and such a pleasure to work with…

Harper College

Our editor was always so quick to respond to any inquiries and the entire publishing team working on our project was so responsive to our questions, needs, and suggestions. The manual that was produced by the collaborative efforts of our team of authors on campus and the publishing team at Hayden-McNeil is a high quality text. I really do feel that it has been a joint effort with H-M because of how much interaction takes place between us. Thanks.

…produces the best custom-texts our students could possibly have. There is no detail too small for them to be concerned with.

Laboratory Coordinator
The Florida State University